Search Engine Marketing

Hi guys, how’s going this week?

During this week lecture, we have learned about what is SEM and how it works. However, let me ask you a question before we talk about SEM. What search engine are you using the most? Google is jumping out of your head right?

Googleが検索結果と広告を一目で判別できないように仕様変更、各所から非難の声 - GIGAZINE

For last few years, Google contains almost 75% of Desktop market shares and more than 80% of mobile users and I believe these two numbers will continuously increase in future. Google has become a necessary tool for people to getting answers!

Desktop Search Engine Market Share Australia | StatCounter Global Stats

Let’s back to SEM now.

What are the Marketing Techniques One Needs for SEO in 2020

In generally, SEM is search engine promotion. By updating the site, website has been recommended to search engines for the best answers that appear on the first page. For the most users container “Google”, it has a list of algorithms to identify whether this website is highly met the key words users search. In another words, we can increase our ranking based on keep updating in website. To achieve this goal, we can improve website ranking by these few steps:

1. Optimize the functionality of website: To increase user experience

2.Website content rewriting;

3.New webpage copywriting;

4.Blog Posts copywriting;

5.External links content copy writing.

And There is another way to increase your ranking! PPC which is Pay Per Click

PPC Marketing Strategies – Cultbizztech

PPC is google ads, google put your website in certain keywords that you choose at the first page ads area, and once user click in your website by ads link, you have to pay it! It is very powerful because if you are A fast food restaurant, you can pick McDonald’s as one of your keywords. However, I will not recommend you to do that, because it will be extremely expensive!

Google charge based on the value of keywords!

SEO vs PPC: which should you invest in? | Netregistry Blog

Finally! SEM is very important for business, natural flow will increase your fans or even sales! people will not find their searching answer after page 2. Most of them have found their answer on page 1!

Thanks guys! See you next week!

4 thoughts on “Search Engine Marketing

  1. Awesome post. Concisely state what SEO and PPC are and how they work. I do believe that SEM and PPC are both critical for the business since they can draw more traffic to company websites and campaigns.


  2. Great post Zimming! I liked the side by side comparison of SEO and PPC, Really helped me clarrify a few points for me. Looking forward to reading more keep it up!


  3. Your post is insightful. I learnt about how SEO and PPC operate differently. I believe most of business may choose SEO not PPC since PPC is expensive. SEO can easily help to make the search optimised. I personally find PPC is not very engaging it is similar to spam in my opinion.


  4. This is a great post! You have explained the knowledge of search engine strategy. In my view, using search engine strategy in a right way can provide the business with advantages. It increases people’s awareness and attract customers attention. People will easily access the website that the business wants. However, the businesses should choose the right way that suitable for them.


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